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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 125
< issue 124 | issue 126 > |
Hello all, and welcome to this EDINBURGH-LICIOUS edition of the newsletter. We've got musicals, music and THEATRE to talk about this time so let's get to it!
Saturday 8 August to Saturday 22 August - Sneaky Pete's, Edinburgh
Hey Hey 16K at the PBH Free Fringe, every day at 6:15pm.
Sunday 16 August - Banshee Labyrinth, Edinburgh
Short solo spot at Stand Up Tragedy, 7:30pm.
Friday 28 & Saturday 29 August - The Camden Head, London
Hey Hey 16K at The Camden Fringe, show starts 6.30pm.
Tickets HERE: http://www.camdenfringe.com/detailact.php?acts_id=116
Check http://www.mjhibbett.co.uk/gigs/gigs.php for more information.
As anyone who knows us knows, Steve and I care LITTLE for the tawdry business of reviews, and thus feel it would be vulgar to draw your attention to http://www.heyhey16k.com/reviews.php where you can see all the 'good' reviews we've had for the show so far. Instead we would ask that, if you're coming to the Edinburgh or Camden Fringes come and see us ANYWAY! That'll show these 'reviewers' who's boss!
This month's recording session for the new album went VERY well and plans are in place for actually finishing the record by the end of the year - stay tuned for more news, including the TITLE!
Lost City Writers, the group that put on 'The Sexy Seven' back in February, have a NEW show called 'London Calling' on from August 26 to 30 at The Hen & Chickens in London as part of the Camden Fringe. It's got a sketch AND a new song by me in it, and it's going to be GRATE - details are HERE:
My screenplay '6 Billion To One' has been selected as one of the Feature Scripts Selections at Nine Worlds Geekfest in London this month. I'm not entirely sure what that actually *means* but I'm still very pleased about it!
Also, I've got a script being performed as part of 'Five n Ten' at The Gwynn Hall in Neath in September, as part of the Sandalle Prize. I'll probably be heading over to see it, so if you're in Neath on September 27th and fancy a pint do let me know!
And I think that's more than enough for this time - thanks for listening and see you on the other side!
< issue 124 | issue 126 > |