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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 13
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Hello all, and welcome to the THIRTEENTH issue of our LUCKY FOR SOME newsletter. Let's make it HAPPEN shall we?
This month I shall be playing the following places:
Tuesday February 28th - The Quad, LSE, London (Tonight! Onstage at 8.30pm, with Winston Echo, The Young Playthings and Chris T-T)
Saturday March 4th - Carpe Diem, Leeds (with The Lodger and Sarandon)
Just the two this next month, though there may be a couple more coming up at short notice - more details available as ever from the gigs page at http://www.mjhibbett.com/gigs.htm .
The month began with my first solo gig of the year at Chicken Royale, where I had to follow the MARVELLOUS Fighting Cocks, who were on excellent form. Next I was up in Sheffield where I had a good time in a very cold abandoned Factory (wearing a jumper!) before heading off for some dancing at Legendary Indie Disco Offbeat. The very next DAY I was in Brighton to play in a proper (little) Theatre with the ever wonderful Lovely Brothers, and then just under a week later I reconvened with The Validators to play at The Firebug in Leicester with 7 Seconds Of Love, who made everyone dance so much that the ROOF shook!
We're starting to get our act together now, with pretty definite titles for the album ("WE VALIDATE!") and the EP that will precede it ("A Fridge Full Of Nice Things"). Tim is even now working hard getting the covers sorted out, Tom is off to the studio in a few days to finish off his extra bits, and then Mr Frankie Machine will finish off the mixing. We've got a Band Meeting on March 12th, by which we're aiming to have pretty much everything sorted out, so we can make final decisions on tracklisting, artwork, and all that. This means that I'm dashing around trying to get information about possible PR people, distribution, and all sorts of other Record Company styled bits and bobs. It's all rather exciting!
I'm just starting work on the Multimedia Aspect of both of these, with the "A Fridge Full Of Nice Things" EP having something PARTICULARLY nice on it. Last month I mentioned how the American "Zipcodes" cassette seems to have disappeared into the ether, so we've decided to put the whole thing onto the next EP as a BONUS. THUS you'll not only get five new tracks on the EP proper (probably "Better Things To Do", "Leave My Brother Alone" (band version), "Never Going Back To Aldi's", "Sod It, Let's Get Pissed" (acoustical version) and "The Other Rush Hour") you'll ALSO get six other brand new songs, recorded in my spare room last year. VFM-tastic!
Also, contrary to reports last time, our first EP, "Milk & Baubles", is back in stock, as several were recently discovered in the Frankie Machine ATTIC. "This Is Not A Library" on the other hand has now completely sold out - all attics have been searched, drawers have been rifled through, and beds have been looked under, but that's it, they're gone. There may be a repress at some point but for now they are officially RARE!
My session tracks went out this month on Phoenix FM, and I must say I was quite pleased with how they came out. No news yet on the proposed compilation album of the sessions, but i shall inform you if anything comes of it.
I'm thoroughly enjoying MYSPACE, if you've got one too do come to http://www.myspace.com/mjhibbett and BEFRIEND me won't you? I've recently changed the tracks around on it, adding an acoustical version of "We Only Ever Meet In Church" and the original of "Warriors Of Nanpantan", and I'll try and get some other new stuff up there soon too.
The only other bit of news is that the ROCK MEMOIRS have gone onto the back burner for the moment - they'll not be coming out with the publisher we originally hoped for, but work on them CONTINUES!
And that's it for now - thanks very much for listening, and don't forget to check out the webpage for updates on all the above. See you next month!
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