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The Last Working Day Of The Month: Issue 30
< issue 29 | issue 31 > |
Hello all, and welcome to this slightly sunburnt issue of our POST-INDIE TRACKS NEWSLETTER. Let's finally take off our wristbands and DO IT shall we?
This month we shall be playing the following places:
Sunday August 12 - The Green House Effect, Brighton
(With The Lovely Brothers)
Friday August 17 - Firebug, Leicester
Saturday September 1 - Ray's Mum's Back Garden, Stourbridge
Check http://www.mjhibbett.net/gigs/gigs.htm for further details of all these and please note I'm now NOT playing The Grapes with Pete Green and Pocketbooks on August 31st, but please go anyway, it'll be GRATE!
There's been some rather brilliant gigs this month. We had a GORGEOUS time at The Cornbury Festival, where I played "Boom Shake The Room" on my Ukelele. I played with The BBC Symphony Orchestra next morning, then in the afternoon met up with 50% of The Validators and FINALLY covered a Fall song. I had a lovely gig at Lark In The Park for the Pop Art Weekender (featuring Indie Bingo) and then me and Tom had a TEA-TASTIC gig at Lee Rosy's in Nottingham.
And then, of course, this weekend we played at the Indie Tracks festival in Derbyshire. It was one of the BEST WEEKENDS OF ROCK EVER. One of our best GIGS ever too, and just a lovely lovely couple of days. I only took my wrist band off last night as I didn't want to admit it was over, not since the BOWLIE weekender so many years ago have I had so much fun getting drunk, watching bands, and hanging around with pals. It was BRILLIANT!
We haven't done anything on the next Validators album this month as most of the band have been on holiday, but we're hoping to get ON with it pretty soon. I have, however, started work on the SOLO ALBUM i mentioned last time - I've been and got myself a LOVELY digital four track and although I've only done three quarters of one proper song so far, I think I'm getting the hang of it.
It's all been about the GIGS this month, so that's the lot for this time - do please check the website (http://www.mjhibbett.net) for updates as the month progresses and hopefully see you back here next time for more!
< issue 29 | issue 31 > |