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Songs: Bands from London (are shit)

notes / gigs / releases

Come on Joshua, come on Jemima, drag the crowd from the gallery down. For my thesis on situationism, we're going to form a rock and roll band. We've got a name and we've got a theory on where pop culture went wrong. We've got back projection and a glittery frock, all we ain't got is songs.
Because bands from London are shit. Bands from London are shit. We think we're avant garde, but all we are is stuck-up inbred upper class twits.
At the publishing company where i work is a guy who plays the guitar. He called to say that we should smash the state, from the phone in his company car. Sarah's got a friend who works at the standard who says he will review our gig. We're playing at Pamela's mother's party, quaffing vodders until we are sick!
Because bands from London are shit. Bands from London are shit. We think we're well hard, but all we are is stuck-up inbred upper class twits.
We defy lower class laws of gender. Pretend we're poor even though our guitars are all fenders. As Alternative Rockers, we are all in the debt of the architect of Art-Rock, Alanis Morisonette.
Because bands from London are shit. Bands from London are all shit.

Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing

Originally written after Voon played with Sveki Skurva at the Bull & Gate, but about all the many many shit bands we used to play with in London, all of whom were exactly as the song says. It's a point that bears repeating (and I often have) that not all Bands from London are Shite, and by NO MEANS all of the Bands described herein are from London, it's just that "Bands who have believed everything they have ever read in the music press especially the Romo sort of thing, who have more money than actual talent and are generally (but by no means exclusively) found within the confines of the M25 (are shit)" isn't such a catchy title.

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