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Songs: Following A Star
notes / gigs / releasesI'm playing taxi/no taxi at 3am
And, to occupy my mind,
I'm picking scabs inside my psyche that only seem
To supparate at night
And there's a star hanging in the sky, shining on its own,
Frightened of the moon
And if this evening gets much worse i'll come over all meta-versal
So pray we're nearly home.
I've lived too long to hang my hopes upon the same old star
I should be mortgaging a house or test-driving a car
I've lived too long to hang my hopes upon the same old star
I lived too long to be following a star.
Rising in the East, the thing i always sought
Was what all the old stories sold
And though i never was a wise-man i always bought
More, Commonsense, and Cold
And as i sat and washed my socks last night
While watching ITV
The Angel Of The Bored came down and turned me on
And i think she said to me:
You've lived too long to hang your hopes upon the same old star
You should be mortgaging a house or test-driving a car
You've lived too long to hang your hopes upon the same old star
You've lived too long to be following a star.
I'm always 24 days from you - i've opened doors but i'm always
24 days from you - it's always chocolate there, it's never been a picture of you
24 days from you. I'm always 24 days from you
It's always Christmas Eve, it's never ever Christmas Day.
I've lived too long to hang my hopes upon the same old star
I should be mortgaging a house or test-driving a car
I've lived too long to hang my hopes upon the same old star
I lived too long to be following a star.
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
As with so very very many of my songs, this one was started off on the way home from the pub, with the bit about a star being frightened of the moon, which I thought at the time was Actually Quite Good. It took AGES after that to get finished, with the chorus being around for MONTHS with nowhere to go, until I had the (to me) GRATE idea of going for Christmas Style Metaphors. I also decided to do one with CLEVER WORDS, as some recent ones hadn't felt so BRANY, hence this features the words "supparate" and "meta-versal", which may not actually exist as such, but which I LIKE. I was also Rather Chuffed with the More, Common Sense and Cold bit - Myrhh Frankincense and Gold, do you see? DO YOU?
Nobody really liked it, so I reused the tune for Programming Is A Poetry For Our Time instead. That never really got recorded properly either...