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Songs: Privatising Everything
notes / gigs / releasesThe human race's history has been a sorry tale
Of mismanagement within the public sector
Millenia of mistakes which would never have occurred
With an accountable board of directors
If private countries could have merged instead of having wars
We'd have saved a lot of our human resources
Come philosophers, I bring glad tidings, for the answer for
Life the universe and everything, of course is
We're privatising everything
We're gonna privatise the human race
We'll privatise the planet and the air that hangs around it
Then we'll privatise the moon and stars in space
No-one will be a citizen instead we will all be
Shareholders in a human corporation
You can sell your mind and body for the market going rate
And the rights for advertising on your children
We're privatising everything
We're gonna privatise the human race
We'll privatise the planet and the air that hangs around it
Then we'll privatise the moon and stars in space
Ladies and gentleman - prepare for your bonus
Here come your new owners
I give you - The Mars Men Of Jupiter!
Why thank you Margaret
There'll be exciting changes from a thrusting new young board
Which will make a real difference in the office
To increase productivity we're slashing the work force
You've got an hour to pack your bags, then hop it
It's nothing personal, in fact it's
Standard galactic business practice
Let’s put it this way
You're fired!
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
Another song that took quite a bit of WORK to get into a reasonable shape - there used to be a LOT more choruses. Now, there's nothing WRONG with the chorus, I don't think, but it IS the same as the verse, so I had to put some EFFORT into differentiating them by playing each one slightly differently and, not being the most CAPABLE of guitarists, I soon ran out of STYLES in which to do this!
The main problem with this song, however, is that every time I sang it I did think "Well, that's a fair point" when THATCHER says private companies could have merged instead of having wars. This is what we AUTEURS like to call COMPLEX CHARACTERISASTION, which is even better when it involves a pound shop afro wig!