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Songs: That's A Bonus
notes / gigs / releasesAnother shower of lousy scousers conveying attitude in shades and leather trousers, claiming they're the best band in the world. I wouldn't mind if it were true but i've seen a million bands just, and of all of this parade of plectrum pedagogues you're the worst.
It makes me long for "We do our own thing, we'd never allow a major label to own us, and if anybody else likes it that's a bonus."
Stripy tights and long black jumpers, hair cut by your mad blind uncle, masturbating in your church hall of sound. But now you've thrown away your 7 inch flexis, no more name-checking The Velvets or Dexy's, you'd rather be dead than underground.
But you used to say that "We do our own thing, we'd never allow a major label to own us, and if anybody else likes it that's a bonus."
But I question my bourgeoise attitude that if it's popular it can't be any good. Would i want to go back to the way it was, never seeing anything i like on "Top of the Pops"? Would I really return to the days of Carter USM? Could i bear to sit through an interview with the bloke from Cud, and the ugly mug of David Gedge again, saying "We do our own thing, we'd never allow a major label to own us, and if anybody else likes it that's a bonus."
Let's do our own thing, and never allow a false ethic to hold us. And if everybody else hates it ...
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
This rose out of conversations on the email about the late 80's when the Poly Disco on a Friday night was Indie-tastic, when you'd go to a club and get excited if they played Nirvana. It was also prompted by reading bands in the weeklies going on and on about how fantastic they were, and every single one saying "we're the best band in the world" as if it was something new that wasn't said by every shit rock band in the world since Oasis. I set to wandering whether it's worth putting up with arrogant fuckwits like this if it means we don't have to go back to the awful end of the 80's, when numerous terrible terrible dreary bands got away with it because there was nothing better to listen to. I ended up getting by pissed off by the fact that my student years were robbed of the chance to go and see any decent bands ever, and that i had to wait until years later to start buying tons of records, seeing bands and having a good time. Oh well.
The line about "Lousy Scousers" made the soundlady at The Garage SCOWL at me - i felt so ashamed!