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Songs: (You Make Me Feel) Soft Rock
notes / gigs / releasesWhen you hold my hand
As we leave the pub
Feels like we've left Leytonstone far behind
And we're walking in Hollywood
And when you smile at me
When I make the tea
When we get back home
I feel my denims rip
My t-shirt shrinks
And I've lost five stone
'Cause you make me want to punch the air
I might look like a wazzock but I don't care
Got a wind machine, amazing hair
You make me feel Soft Rock
Is this the 257
Or an F18?
Am I on a bike at the gym
Or on a silver dream machine?
And when we're sorting out the shopping list
Or you ring me up at lunch
I hear Fenders sing
And the things I think
Would make Prince blush
'Cause you make me want to punch the air
I might look like a wazzock but I don't care
Got a wind machine, amazing hair
You make me feel Soft Rock
Oh baby tonight we're gonna rock
We've got a half bottle of wine in the fridge
And Doc Marten on the Tivo box
Get the Pringles open
We're gonna have a crazy night
I'll do your hot water bottle
We'll have whisky in bed
And we'll listen to Radio 5
You make me want to punch the air
I might look like a wazzock but I don't care
Got a wind machine, amazing hair
You make me feel -
You make me want to punch the air
I might look like a wazzock but I don't care
Got a wind machine, amazing hair
You make me feel Soft Rock
Published by Wipe Out Music Publishing
There are loads and loads of songs about falling in love because falling in love is PEASY, especially when you're young. Your entire body is geared towards it with your hormones raging and every fibre of your body demanding you fancy someone.
Staying in love though, in a proper grown-up relationship, is the difficult bit, and yet there are almost no songs about it. I thought that was a shame, so I wrote one. My only regret is that I decided to put in a bit where the audience could punch the air along with the music. I thought this would work really well in the live arena, failing to understand that the target audience of middle-aged people on long term relationships are the very last people who would want to or be able to repeatedly punch the air with exuberance!
In other news, I always thought this song would have a guitar solo in it, but it doesn't. I wonder where it was meant to go?